We have probably all seen them promoted on social media posts, those special dates that are celebrated throughout the year. Some we can relate to, and others maybe not so much! But is using them in your social media content a good idea, and how can they help you build connection with your audience?

Tips for creating social media content

If you are running a creative business and also creating your own social media content it can often feel very overwhelming to get it all done. Let’s look first at a few tips to help you plan ahead.

  • Begin by breaking your posts down into a weekly plan.
  • Decide which platforms you will post on and how many you need to create each week.
  • Don’t overload yourself. Remember that quality posts and consistency are better than quantity. 

Creating content using special dates

Now let’s go back to that list of special dates. These are easy to find by searching the internet. Make a note of the ones that feel relevant to you. Alternatively, we have created a .pdf list with some ideas for March that you can download here:

March Special Dates pdf

Take a look at your list and see if there are any occasions that resonate with you and your business. If so, think about how you could connect that date with a story in your caption. For example, 1 March is Peanut Butter Lover’s Day, so I could share a personal story to connect with my audience. It could be an unknown fact about me – that I love peanut butter!

Create or search for graphics or quotes that connect with the special occasion. Or look for templates that are customizable to your brand colours and add your own words. 

Use a call to action in your caption

Remember, at some point in your caption you want to include a call to action (CTA). This will give your audience a reason to connect with you. Why? Because you are building a relationship with your audience and want them to keep coming back to you. For example, I could ask my audience if they love peanut butter too and ask them to comment. Another idea would be to do a survey post in Instagram Stories about peanut butter and ask people to click “smooth” or “crunchy”. You get the idea. The important thing is to make it relatable.

In summary

Set some time aside each week and use the ideas above to plan in advance. Include special dates within your plan if they offer a good way to connect with your audience. Use images, graphics or quotes in your posts that help them stand out. Also, consider writing your captions in advance so they are ready to go.

Planning in advance can help you reduce overwhelm. It’s time to ditch the procrastination, spending ages wondering what to post, and heading for that peanut butter jar with a spoon! Instead, I hope some of these ideas will help empower you in creating your social media content with ease and have you confidently embracing 30 March, which, apparently, is I Am in Control Day!

Tip: To help boost your social media content, we have a range of free graphics in our resource library. Just fill out the form below to join our tribe and I will send you the password.