Ways to help support small business owners when you're self-isolating, even though things are uncertain during the coronavirus outbreak.

There are many things you can do to help support small business owners when you’re self-isolating. Although things are pretty uncertain at the moment during the coronavirus outbreak, this is the perfect time to cheer on your favourite makers. Get creative about how to support small business owners from the comfort of your armchair. Here’s a list of seven things you can do to help.

  1. Enjoy spending some time on social media and follow some new Instagram accounts. You’ll be sure to find some great small businesses you haven’t discovered before. Comment on a few of their posts and tag your friends to let them know you have found some great new small businesses to follow.
  2. Search for online markets selling products created by independent designers and purchase a gift for someone. Or if you are feeling really organised, do some super early Christmas shopping! However, if your budget is tight at the moment, create a list of your favourite things to come back to when you are ready to purchase.
  3. Help support small business owners by splashing out and buying a product to pamper yourself. You could treat yourself to a lovely hand-cream or body lotion made by an indie biz. Look for something made by a local business as it will possibly get to you quicker that way.
  4. Create your own inspirational quotes to help lift the spirits of others. We have a range of graphics in our FREE resource library. Some are ready to post and others can be customised by adding your own text using your favourite app. Just sign up in the form below this post and we will send you a password for free access. 
  5. Purchase a new hand-crafted scented candle to fill your home with a beautiful uplifting or relaxing aroma.
  6. Gather some of your favourite indie biz products at home and mention them in your own Instagram/social media posts. For example, if you have a handmade ceramic cup, make a cuppa, take a photo, and post on your social media account. Tag the maker to inspire others to follow that account too and tell them why you love it.
  7. Send messages of support to your favourite small business owners. They will appreciate hearing from you and it’s an easy way to help to support them during this time.
7 ways to help support small business owners when you're self-isolating
How to help support small business owners when you're self-isolating
Seven ways to help support small business owners when you're self-isolating, even though things are uncertain during the coronavirus outbreak.
Help small business owners while self-isolating using our seven tips